When you backup/restore the machine ?
You want to exchange to another DEX-100 and going to run that you design script and parameter.
DEX Pro Backup
- Content
- OCR data base
- Schedule file
- Program

DEX Pro Restore
- Content
- OCR data base
- Schedule file
- Program

Backup Config
- Content
- DDS/LOG Config
- Modbus Config
- Machineini
- Page Definition
The backup folder saving path is in C:\Users\USER\Documents\RVM_Config.

Replace Config
- Content
- DDS/LOG Config
- Modbus Config
- Machineini
- Page Definition
The backup folder saving path is in C:\Users\USER\Documents\RVM_Config

Factory Restore

OCR Restore
- Download the OCRClean.bat
- Run the OCRClean.bat
- Download the OCRDB.zip and unzip it.
- Using the DEX Pro Restore and choice the OCRDB folder.