
Specifications of DI1 DI2

Hardware Figure DI1/2

DI connector pin assignment Pin Circuit diagram

DI1/2 function Pin function


There are 3 LEDs in the hardware that can light by script command. Hardware Figure

kill the dex-pro by batch

Please run the cmd as administrator

input the command

taskkill /f /im DEX-Pro.exe

cmd command

The mouse follows offset

  1. Check the machine PC’s mouse setting, Keep middle speed and disable “Enhance pointer precision”.
  2. If the offset distance is not fixed, adjust mouse speed of the machine PC disable Enhance

How to restart the MSMQ

If the Dex-por can’t work by MSMQ, Please follow the below steps for Troubleshooting
1. Go to “control panel” control panel image 2. Go to “Program” programs image 3. Go to “Turn Windows Features on or off” Turn Windows Features 4. Disable the “Microsoft Message Queue(MSMQ) Server” Disable MSMQ 5. Reboot the DEX-100 6. Enable the “Microsoft Message Queue(MSMQ) Server” Enable MSMQ

How to check the setting when the dexpro can not grab the video

If the Dex-pro can’t grab the video, We have several suggestions please follow checking the below steps. 1. Please checking the setting is Auto by the dex-pro tool of Fram Grabber Configuration. Fram Grabber setting 2. Please open the Diagnostic tool. Tool-Path "C:\Program Files\ADLINK\DEX-100\utility" Diagnostic tool

  1. You shall see both the result for Resolution and Signal if the connection is successful. Diagnostic result
  2. If is no signal , please use below steps to help you troubleshooting.
  3. A. Check the Local machine setting for display resolution.
  4. B. Reconnect the local machine VGA cable to monitor.
  5. C. Reboot the local machine.
  6. D. Check the resolution from the monitor.
  7. E. Reconnect the VGA to Dex-100
  8. F. Check Frame Grabber Setting whether the auto mode is selected for any resolution.

How to check the exception-event

You can track the Event Viewer if dex-pro encounters the Unexpected crashing.

   1. Enter CMD (Command Prompt)
   2. Key-in "eventvwr"

Event viewer

   Path : "Event Viewer ==> Windows Logs ==> System"

Event viewer

How to backup or restore the traineddata to other machines

  • A. Tools->Config->Tesseract OCR Setting->Model and Config Management

Event viewer

  • B. Bakcup > - Select all > - Export

Event viewer

  • Click Yes
  • Select the folder ==> OK

Event viewer

  • C. Restore > - Select all > - import (select the Folder name)

Event viewer > - Select the folder ==> Ok

Event viewer

How to quckly select TesseractDB for mutil-ROI

  • A. In the blf mode

Event viewer

  • B. Select an image layer that has many ROI for OCR.
  • C. Tools->Config->Tesseract OCR Setting->Model and Config Management

Event viewer

  • D. Can be selected in batches and edit the ROI setting.

Event viewer

  • E. Click the Replace

Event viewer

  • F. Exit without change

Event viewer

  • G. Save Script

Event viewer

  • H. Recombine the script

Event viewer