This page cover the process to flash a new operating system onto a NEON-2000-JNX and EOS-JNX device.
The process to flash one of these device is slightly different to the process to flash a NEON-2000-JT2 device. To flash a JNX device you need to flash both the internal eMMC and external storage device. The internal eMMC device hosts the bootloader and kernel, the external storage device hosts the operating system and Jetpack.
Other useful information about flashing a Jetson based device can be found here.
If upgrading the Jetpack version make sure to also download the eMMC image. This is because the internal eMMC and microSD card must be flashed with same version of Jetpack. For example, jetpack 5.0.2 emmc + jetpack 5.0.2 microSD image
microSD image
eMMC image - required if changing Jetpack version
Check the md5 checksum to make sure image file is correct
$ md5sum [file]
$ md5sum NeonJNX_A3_JP512_emmc_v1.0.9.tar.gz
Windows 10
$ certutil -hashfile [file] MD5
$ certutil -hashfile NeonJNX_A3_JP512_emmc_v1.0.9.tar.gz MD5
To flash the microSD card you are going to need the following:
Make sure to use a high quality microSD card to prevent corruption
Unzip the microSD zip file downloaded in Step 1 to get a .img
tar -zxvf NeonJNX_A3_JP512_microSD_v1.0.9_woEVA.img.tar.gz
Clone image file to microSD card using one of the following methods
sudo dd if=<image file>.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fsync
Insert SD card into the NEON camera
The internal eMMC must be flashed if the Jetpack version on the microSD card has changed, so the Jetpack version on the eMMC and microSD card match.
This step involves connecting the NEON camera to the Host machine and flashing the image.
To perform this step the following equipment is required:
There is also a video and PDF showing the process
On the Host PC unzip the file downloaded in Step 1
tar -zxvf NeonJNX_A3_JP512_emmc_v1.0.9.tar.gz
Put the NEON into recovery mode
You can refer to pin definition below, and try to enter recover mode.
Connect the microUSB cable to the NEON and the Host PC
Open a terminal and execute the lsusb
command, to see if the NEON is connected. If a device called Nvidia Corp.
is detected, the device has successfully entered recovery mode.
Go to folder unzipped in step 1
cd NeonJNX_A3_JP512_emmc_v1.0.9
Flash the Neon-2000-JNX
For Jetpack 5.0.2: Install neccessary package at first
sudo apt-get install sshpass
Jetpack before 5.0.2
sudo ./
For Jetpack 5.0.2 ~ 5.1.2
sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --flash-only --massflash 1
Once the flash script is complete and shows Flash complete (SUCCESS)
reboot the NEON
Below is a video of the process to flash a NEON-2000-JNX
method 1
tar -zxvf deploy.neonjnx.tar.gz
sudo ./ -r -k APP -G backup.img jetson-xavier-nx-neonjnx-emmc mmcblk0p1
method 2
Backup emmc
cd ~/
mkdir mntTemp
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 mntTemp
cd mntTemp
sudo tar -jcf ../customerEMMC.tbz2 *
cd ../
sudo umount mntTemp
rmdir mntTemp
- Restore emmc
width="640" height="385"
scrolling="no" framespacing="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
cd ~/ mkdir mntTemp sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 mntTemp sudo tar jxf customerEMMC.tbz2 -C mntTemp sync sudo umount mntTemp rmdir mntTemp